
CLI DocumentationΒΆ

auxilium and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium -h
usage: auxilium [-h] [-v] [-V] [-e [PATH]] [-x] [-p [SCRIPT]] [-d [NAME]]
                {create,update,test,doc,build,python} ...

    creates and manages boilerplate python development workflow.
     [ create > exit_status > test > build > deploy ]

positional arguments:
    create              creates a new project, repo and virtual environment
    update              keeps project, repo and dependencies up-to-date
    test                checks project integrity by testing using `unittest`
    doc                 builds project documentation using `sphinx`
    build               builds project distribution and deploy releases to
    python              invokes python in virtual environment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbosity       set logging level (-v=ALL, -vv=DEBUG, -vvv=INFO,
                        -vvvv=WARNING, -vvvvv=ERROR) (default: INFO) (default:
  -V, --version         show version and exit (default: False)
  -e [PATH], --env [PATH]
                        set path to python executable or virtual environment.
                        to use system interpreter just set empty flag `-e`
                        (default: .aux/venv/bin/python)
  -x, --exit-status     exit status in case of failure (-x for zero, -xx for
                        non-zero, -xxx for raise exception) (default: non-zero
                        (default: 0)
  -p [SCRIPT], --pre [SCRIPT]
                        pre run script, which is executed before every command
                        (except 'create' and 'python') (default: )
  -d [NAME], --demo [NAME]
                        starts a demo in creating a repo (default value if
                        flagged: auxilium_demo)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."
auxilium 0.2.8 from .../site-packages/auxilium (/home/docs/checkouts/

auxilium create and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium create -h
usage: auxilium create [-h] [--name NAME] [--slogan SLOGAN] [--author AUTHOR]
                       [--email EMAIL] [--url URL] [--venv [PATH]]
                       [--clone [URL]] [--update] [--commit [MSG]] [--cleanup]

    creates a new project, repo and virtual environment
      with project file structure from templates which sets up
    a `venv` virtual python environment to run and test projects isolated,
    a `git` source code repository for tracking source exit_status changes,
    a `unittest` suite of tests to ensure the project works as intended and
    a already-to-use documentation structure made to be build with `sphinx`.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --name NAME      project name
  --slogan SLOGAN  project slogan
  --author AUTHOR  project author
  --email EMAIL    project email
  --url URL        project url
  --venv [PATH]    PATH to create virtual python environment (default:
  --clone [URL]    clone repo from URL
  --update         just (re)install/update virtual environment (skip to create
                   project as well as commit) (default: False)
  --commit [MSG]   commit on successful creation (default: Initial commit)
  --cleanup        uninstall current project via `pip uninstall` and rollback
                   site-packages (ignores other input) (default: False)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."
$ auxilium create

 Please enter project details.

Enter project name   : unicorn
Enter project slogan : Always be a unicorn.
Enter author name    : dreamer
Enter project email  : unicorn@home
Enter project url    : https://www.dreamer.home/unicorn

  πŸͺš created project unicorn with files






  πŸ›  run header maintenance
  πŸ‘» create virtual environment
  πŸ… upgrade `pip`
  πŸ—œ install project via pip install -e
  🧰 setup environment requirements
  🐣 init local `git` repo
  βž• add/stage files to local `git` repo
  πŸ“Œ commit changes to local `git` repo
  🏁 project setup finished

 Consider a first full run via:

   > cd unicorn
   > auxilium test
   > auxilium doc --api
   > auxilium build
   > auxilium doc --show

  βœ… finished in 90.295s

Now don’t forget

$ cd unicorn

auxilium update and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium update -h
usage: auxilium update [-h] [--upgrade [PKG]] [--install] [--requirements]
                       [--header] [--status] [--commit [MSG]]
                       [--pull [BRANCH]] [--remote REMOTE] [--remote_usr USR]
                       [--remote_pwd PWD] [--cleanup]

keeps project, repo and dependencies up-to-date

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --upgrade [PKG]   upgrade python library [PKG] via `pip` (default value if
                    flagged: pip)
  --install         (re)install current project via `pip install -e .`
                    (default: False)
  --requirements    manage requirements (dependencies) in `requirements.txt`
                    and `upgrade_requirements.txt` (default: False)
  --header          update timestamps and file header of modified files
                    (default: True)
  --status          check status of local `git` repo (default: False)
  --commit [MSG]    commit changes to local `git` repo (default value if
                    flagged: Commit)
  --pull [BRANCH]   pull from remote `git` repo (requires REMOTE) (default
                    value if flagged: master)
  --remote REMOTE   remote `git` repo (default: <url>)
  --remote_usr USR  user on remote `git` repo (default: <author>)
  --remote_pwd PWD  password/token on remote `git` repo (default: ****)
  --cleanup         uninstall current project via `pip uninstall` and rollback
                    site-packages (ignores other input) (default: False)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."

auxilium test and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium test -h
usage: auxilium test [-h] [-ff] [--commit [MSG]] [--coverage [MIN]]
                     [--quality] [--security] [--cleanup]

checks project integrity by testing using `unittest` framework

positional arguments:
  TESTPATH          path to directory where test are found (default: test)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -ff, --fail-fast  stop on first fail or error (default: False)
  --commit [MSG]    auto commit on successful test run (default value if
                    flagged: Commit tested)
  --coverage [MIN]  check code coverage of tests - fail on total coverage less
                    than MIN (default: 0)
  --quality         evaluate quality of source code (default: True)
  --security        evaluate security of source code (default: True)
  --cleanup         remove temporary files (default: False)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."
$ auxilium test

  πŸ” evaluate quality of source code
  🚨 evaluate security of source code
  β›‘ run test scripts
     | test_sample_almost_equal (regtests.FirstRegTests) ... ok
     | test_sample_equal (regtests.FirstRegTests) ... ok
     | test_pkg_name (unittests.FirstUnitTests) ... ok
     | test_sample (unittests.FirstUnitTests) ... ok
     | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     | Ran 4 tests in 1.254s
     | OK
  πŸ“‘ run test coverage scripts
     | Name                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
     | ---------------------------------------------------
     | unicorn/      29      3    90%   68, 73, 85
     | ---------------------------------------------------
     | TOTAL                    29      3    90%
  βœ… finished in 7.790s

auxilium doc and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium doc -h
usage: auxilium doc [-h] [-ff] [--commit [MSG]] [--api] [--doctest]
                    [--coverage] [--pdf] [--show] [--cleanup]

builds project documentation using `sphinx`

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -ff, --fail-fast  stop on first fail or error (default: False)
  --commit [MSG]    auto commit on successful doc build run (incl. doctest)
                    (default value if flagged: Commit doc build)
  --api             add api entries to docs (default: False)
  --doctest         run doctest, testing code examples in docs (default: True)
  --coverage        run doctest, testing code examples in docs (default: True)
  --pdf             build pdf documentation (`sphinx -M latexpdf`) (default:
  --show            show html documentation (default: False)
  --cleanup         remove temporary files (default: False)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."
$ auxilium doc --api

  🧹 clean environment
  πŸ“Œ run apidoc scripts
  β›‘ run doctest scripts
  πŸ“‘ run coverage scripts
     | Undocumented Python objects
     | ===========================
  🌐 build html documentation
  πŸͺ§ build single-html documentation
  πŸ“• build epub documentation
  πŸ“’ build latex documentation
  βœ… finished in 11.544s

auxilium build and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium build -h
usage: auxilium build [-h] [--header] [--commit [MSG]] [--tag [TAG]]
                      [--push [BRANCH]] [--remote REMOTE] [--remote_usr USR]
                      [--remote_pwd PWD] [--archive] [--deploy]
                      [--pypi_usr USR] [--pypi_pwd PWD] [--cleanup]

builds project distribution and deploy releases to ``

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  --header          update timestamps and file header of modified files
                    (default: True)
  --commit [MSG]    auto commit on successful build (default value if flagged:
                    Commit build)
  --tag [TAG]       auto tag on successful build - requires --commit (default
                    value if flagged: v1.8.6)
  --push [BRANCH]   push to given branch of remote `git` repo - requires
                    --commit and REMOTE (default value if flagged: master)
  --remote REMOTE   remote `git` repo (default: <url>)
  --remote_usr USR  user on remote `git` repo (default: <author>)
  --remote_pwd PWD  password/token on remote `git` repo (default: ****)
  --archive         archive project in zip file to '..' (default: False)
  --deploy          release on `` - requires USR and PWD (default:
  --pypi_usr USR    user on `` (default: None)
  --pypi_pwd PWD    password/token on `` (default: ****)
  --cleanup         remove temporary files (default: False)

    if (default: True) a given flag turns its value to False.
    default behavior may depend on current path and project.
    set default behavior in `~/.aux/config` and `./.aux/config`."
$ auxilium build --commit='inital commit' --push --deploy

  🧹 cleanup build
  πŸ›  run header maintenance
  πŸ— build package distribution
  βž• add/stage files to local `git` repo
  πŸ“Œ commit changes to local `git` repo
  πŸ“€ push to 'master' to remote `git` repo
  πŸ›« deploy release on ``
  βœ… finished in 6.276s

auxilium python and optionsΒΆ

$ auxilium python -h
usage: auxilium python [-h] [-c cmd | -m mod | -f file | -] [arg [arg ...]]

invokes python in virtual environment

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -c cmd      program passed in as string (terminates option list)
  -m mod      run library module as a script (terminates option list)
  -f file     program read from script file
  -           program read from stdin (default; interactive mode if a tty)
              (default value if flagged: True)

  arg         arguments passed to program in sys.argv[1:]

Call python interpreter of virtual environment (Note: only some standard optional arguments are implemented)
$ auxilium python

  🐍 running .aux/venv/bin/python3

Python 3.9.6 (default, Jun 29 2021, 05:25:02)
[Clang 12.0.5 (clang-1205.0.22.9)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.

auxilium as Python FunctionΒΆ

auxilium works as python function, too.

>>> from os import chdir
>>> from auxilium import auxilium
>>> auxilium("create --name=unicorn "
             "--slogan='Always be a unicorn' --author=dreamer "
             "--email=dreamer@home --url='https://<author>.home/<name>'")

Please enter project details.

Enter project name   : unicorn
Enter project slogan : Always be a unicorn
Enter project author : dreamer
Enter project email  : dreamer@home
Enter project url    : https://<author>.home/<name>

πŸͺš created project unicorn with files






πŸ›  run header maintenance
πŸ‘» create virtual environment
πŸ… upgrade `pip`
πŸ—œ install project via pip install -e
🧰 setup environment requirements
🐣 init local `git` repo
βž•  add/stage files to local `git` repo
πŸ“Œ commit changes to local `git` repo
🏁 project setup finished

Consider a first full run via:

> cd unicorn
> auxilium test
> auxilium doc --api
> auxilium update --commit="added api doc"
> auxilium build
> auxilium doc --show

βœ…  finished in 37.981s

>>> chdir("unicorn")
>>> auxilium("test")

πŸ” evaluate quality of source code
🚨 evaluate security of source code
β›‘  run test scripts
 | test_sample_almost_equal (regtests.FirstRegTests) ... ok
 | test_sample_equal (regtests.FirstRegTests) ... ok
 | test_pkg_name (unittests.FirstUnitTests) ... ok
 | test_sample (unittests.FirstUnitTests) ... ok
 | ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 | Ran 4 tests in 3.808s
 | OK
πŸ“‘ run test coverage scripts
 | Name                  Stmts   Miss  Cover   Missing
 | ---------------------------------------------------
 | unicorn/      29      3    90%   68, 73, 85
 | ---------------------------------------------------
 | TOTAL                    29      3    90%
βœ…  finished in 22.588s

>>> auxilium("doc --api")

🧹 clean environment
πŸ“Œ run apidoc scripts
β›‘  run doctest scripts
πŸ“‘ run coverage scripts
 | Undocumented Python objects
 | ===========================
🌐 build html documentation
πŸͺ§ build single-html documentation
πŸ“• build epub documentation
πŸ“’ build latex documentation
βœ…  finished in 12.008s

>>> auxilium("update --commit")

πŸ›  run header maintenance
βž•  add/stage files to local `git` repo
πŸ“Œ commit changes to local `git` repo
βœ…  finished in 1.266s

>>> auxilium("build")

🧹 cleanup build
πŸ›  run header maintenance
πŸ— build package distribution
βœ…  finished in 1.983s